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What Is Pranayama ? Pranayama is the rhythmic control of the breath. Sanskrit roots; prana meaning “vital life force” Yama meaning “control'' and Ayama meaning “extension” or “expansion.” The breath is symbolic of prana, and pranayama can be understood as a method to extend and expand vital life force energy through the deliberate control of respiration. The Practice of pranayama involves breathing exercises and patterns. You purposely inhale, Exhale, and hold your breath in a specific sequence. Of these, the former is called Puraka, Rechaka, Kumbhaka. Three-Part Breath: Dirga Pranayama 1. Three-Part Breath, First You inhale completely fill your lungs with air, as though you are. 2. Breathing into your belly, rib cage, and upper chest. Then you exhale completely, reversing the flow. 3. For those wanting to begin practicing Pranayama, this Pranayama is perfect. Benefits : 1. Practicing Dirga Pranayama teaches you to breathe fully and completely. 2. Learning to breathe deeply w

Benefits of yoga

10  Benefits of yogasana- Yoga offers weight loss, strong and supple body, beautiful glowing skin, calm mind, good health. Let us know the benefits of yoga to the body. Hard and fast Health - Right when you are absolutely strong, you are genuinely just as mentally solid. Doing yoga regularly brings physical and mental prosperity. Weight decrease- Yoga like Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati reduces body weight. In addition, typical yoga moves energy to the body and helps you with getting what to join and what not to recollect for your eating schedule. This doesn't cause weight secure worry-free- A few snapshots of yoga for the length of the day disposes of all apprehension. Do yoga to mitigate physical and mental pressure. For this, pranayama and reflection are fruitful yogasanas. It frees the body from pressure and hazardous substances. Significant Peace- Everyone loves a calm and typical spot. We can feel concordance in our minds. Yoga and reflection bring significant amicab

great way to stay healthy and fit

  Yoga is a great way to stay healthy and fit . It is not only good for your physical health but also for your emotional, mental, and spiritual health.  Learning yoga is indeed a step-by-step process. It is always best to start with asanas or a simple stand to get inspiration to keep going. Simple yoga asanas resemble daily activities such as lying down, standing or sitting in various places but in a systematic way that proves to be beneficial in life. Even doctors and health-care professionals recommend regular yoga because of its many therapeutic benefits. If you are just starting out, then you will enjoy seeing good results immediately. Some highly recommended yoga beginners include viniyoga or kripalu yoga. One with a strong command of these simple yoga asanas, you can move on to advanced yoga asanas like Ashtanga yoga or power yoga. You can practice circulating for 10-15 minutes in the first phase which will help increase muscle flexibility, improve flexibility and improve blood c

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